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Database Term : Medicine


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Database service that enables searching of information on academic articles published in academic society journals or university research bulletins, or articles included in the National Diet Library's Japanese Periodicals Index Database.

The National Institute of Informatics (NII) is in the process of integrating academic content provided under separate services to construct "GeNii", a system intended to serve as a platform enabling linkages with useful academic information resources both in Japan and overseas.

Open Access

SpringerLink Journals

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Provides full text access to Journals of various subjects including: chemical sciences, computer science, economics, engineering, environmental sciences, geosciences, law, life sciences, mathematics, medicine, and physics and astronomy.

Staff & Students Only

SpringerLink E-Books

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Provides full text access to Springer e-Books as well as book series. Subject coverage includes: chemical sciences, computer science, economics, engineering, environmental sciences, geosciences, law, life sciences, mathematics, medicine, and physics and astronomy.

Staff & Students Only

EBSCOhost : CINAHL Complete (Nursing & Medical Health Sciences)

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This is the definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals. With CINAHL Complete, users get fast and easy full-text access to top journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and more. Take a few minutes to evaluate all that CINAHL Complete has to offer and you’ll see why hundreds of thousands of nurses and allied health professionals rely on this essential resource.

CINAHL Complete provides broad content coverage including 50 nursing specialties, speech and language pathology, nutrition, general health and medicine and more.

Staff & Students Only

ProQuest eBooks Central (Ebrary Electronic Books - Nursing, Business, Management, Education, Technology, Languages, Research)

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ProQuest eBooks Central currently approaches more than 1,200 titles, searchable, full text electronic editions of books published in a very wide range of disciplines, including Business, Bibliography, Library Science, Information Resources (General), Education, Fine Arts, Geography, Anthropology, Recreation, History (General) and History of Europe, Law, Nursing and Books on Music Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Political Science, Science, Social Sciences, Technology.

Staff & Students Only

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Latest updated: 23th July 2013

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