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Database Term : Discontinued Database

World eBooks Library [Trial Database]

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World Public Library Consortia is an international consortia of libraries that share their collections (90+ collections till date) in a single catalogue. From the combined works of these consortia we have created one of the world’s most complete collections of eBooks and eDocuments serving the public, students, libraries and educators since 1996. It shelves more than 2,000,000+ complete, full length, unabridged high quality PDF eBooks, eDocuments, References and MO# audio books in more than 100 languages. It also covers collection of classic works of literature, science, technology, serials, bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias and other reference works.

Database Evaluation Form : World eBooks Library

Britannica Online Encyclopedia [Trial Database]

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Online version of the well-known encyclopaedi plus its annual "Year in Review" and "Book of the Year" volumes, as well as Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, the Britannica Internet Guide and much more. A full-text encyclopaedia.

Database Evaluation Form : Britannica Online Encyclopedia

EIU DataServices

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In depth country analysis and data.

EIU Data Services: City Data
Contains pricing information on more than 160 products and services in 140 cities worldwide.

EIU Data Services: Country Data
Economic indicators and forecasts on economic structure, foreign payments, external debt stock, external debt service, external trade, trends in foreign trade, and quarterly indicators.

EIU Data Services: Market Indicators and Forecasts
Industry, demographic and economic data and forecasts.

EIU Country Commerce
Operating conditions, commercial laws, and business regulations of approximately sixty countries worldwide.

EIU Country Finance
Comprehensive reports and analysis on the financial systems of developed and major developing countries.

EIU Country Report
Quarterly analysis and forecasts of the political, economic, and business environment in nearly 200 countries.

EIU Risk Briefing
Provides analysis, forecasts, alerts and background data covering risk factors in 150 major markets.

Database Evaluation Form : EIU DataServices


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A database containing financial information on over 28,000 banks worldwide. Up to 16 years of detailed information are available for European banks, North American banks, all Japanese commercial and sogo banks, and over 4,100 other major banks. Content includes balance sheet data (200 items), income and expenses (37 items), ratios (39 items), and other annual financial data. Information on global and country-specific rankings (by total assets) is also available.

Database Evaluation Form : BankScope


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A database containing financial information on globally listed public companies, including banks and insurance firms from over 190 countries. The combined industrial company dataset contains standardized and as reported financials, including restated accounts, for up to 20 years on over 55,000 companies. The bank financials in OSIRIS offers up to 8 years of financial data for more than 3,350 listed banks. Insurance company financials, collected from annual reports and the NAIC and cover up to 9 years of data on over 660 listed insurance companies. OSIRIS strives to cover all publicly listed companies worldwide. In addition, it covers major non-listed companies when they are primary subsidiaries of publicly listed companies.

Database Evaluation Form : Osiris

Datamonitor 360 Academic

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A multi-disciplinary database that offers comprehensive and unique collection of company, industry and country information, extending across 200+ countries and every major industry vertical.

Database Evaluation Form : DataMonitor360


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An electronic library providing news and information on Malaysia. The information in BLIS is contained in several modules such as Bernama News, Archives, Foreign News, Info Providers, Who's Who, Speeches, Sectoral Reports, Databank, Facts & Figures and Calendar Of Events.

Academic OneFile

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Premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources. With extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects, Academic OneFile is both authoritative and comprehensive.


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ITKnowledgeBASE is a searchable database of information on all aspects of information technology management, strategies, systems and technologies, containing the complete Auerbach Information Management Service.


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Established experts meet the increasing challenges of information security, with a wealth of material exploring system analysis and server set-up, as well as cryptography, cyber-crime, and other modern risks.

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Latest updated: 23th July 2013

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