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Database Term : Magazine

City Journal

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City Journal offers a stimulating mix of hard-headed practicality and cutting-edge theory, with articles on everything from school financing, policing strategy, and welfare policy to urban architecture, family policy, and the latest theorizing emanating from the law schools, the charitable foundations, even the schools of public health. Since urban policy encompasses almost all domestic policy questions, as well as the largest issues of our culture and society, the magazine views its canvas as very broad indeed. The magazine holds itself to the highest intellectual, journalistic, and literary standards, aiming to produce intelligent and absorbing reading for intelligent and discerning readers.

Open Access

Observatory on Borderless Higher Education

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The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (OBHE) conducts state-of-the-art research, disseminate best practices, emerging trends, policy frameworks and assessment and quality assurance information; and develop strategic partnerships with public and private universities and organisations for the effective delivery of borderless higher education academic programmes and services. The Observatory's primary purpose is to provide strategic information to enable policy-makers and institutional-organisational leaders to make informed decisions relevant to their existing and/or future transnational higher education initiatives.

Open Access

Faculty Focus

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Newsletter and dedicated website for distance education, Faculty Focus publishes articles on effective teaching strategies for the college classroom - both face-to-face and online.

Open Access

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