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Database Term : Education

ProQuest ERIC PlusText

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ERIC PlusText combines the ERIC abstracts and index with full-text ProQuest Education Journals.

Staff & Students Only

Education Global Observatory

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ERGO is a project on the National Education Policy Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder. As a signatory to the Budapest Open Access Initiative, the ERGO is dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of open access scholarship in education.

Open Access


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The EURASIA journal publishes original articles in the areas of mathematics education, science education, and technology education. The Journal strictly adheres to the universal principles of the peer review process. The aim is to advance the scholarship and the scientific knowledge base in these three areas.

Open Access

British Library for Development Studies

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Depository library at The Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, for publications from international organisations (including the UN system and World Bank) with a strong collection from developing countries. Contains over 116,000 records of documents on economic and social development including serial titles held and monographs acquired since 1987 Journal articles selectively indexed since 1990.

Open Access


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UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values. It is through this dialogue that the world can achieve global visions of sustainable development encompassing observance of human rights, mutual respect and the alleviation of poverty, all of which are at the heart of UNESCO’S mission and activities.

Open Access

EBSCOhost : MAS Ultra School Edition

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MAS Ultra - School Edition is designed especially for high school audiences. It provides full text for over 500 popular interest and current events publications. Also includes 550 full text pamphlets, 150 full text reference books, nearly 100,000 biographies, 76,000 primary source documents, and an image collection of 116,000 photos, maps, and flags.

Staff & Students Only

EBSCOhost : Education Source

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The world's largest and most complete collection of full-text education journals, this database provides scholarly research and information to meet the needs of education students, professionals, and policy makers. It covers all levels of education — from early childhood to higher education — as well as all educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education, and testing.

Staff & Students Only

InfoSci eBooks (IGI Global)

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Includes full-text books and proceedings on the following topics: IT management, end user computing, data mining, knowledge management, e-commerce, multimedia databases, telecommunications, and distance learning in the following areas: Business Management; Computer Science; Education Technologies; Electronic Commerce; Environmental IS; Healthcare Information Systems; Information Systems; Library Science; Multimedia Information Systems; Public Information Systems; Social Science and Technologies.

Staff & Students Only

Observatory on Borderless Higher Education

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The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (OBHE) conducts state-of-the-art research, disseminate best practices, emerging trends, policy frameworks and assessment and quality assurance information; and develop strategic partnerships with public and private universities and organisations for the effective delivery of borderless higher education academic programmes and services. The Observatory's primary purpose is to provide strategic information to enable policy-makers and institutional-organisational leaders to make informed decisions relevant to their existing and/or future transnational higher education initiatives.

Open Access

Faculty Focus

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Newsletter and dedicated website for distance education, Faculty Focus publishes articles on effective teaching strategies for the college classroom - both face-to-face and online.

Open Access

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Latest updated: 23th July 2013

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