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Database Term : References

Britannica Online Encyclopedia [Trial Database]

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Online version of the well-known encyclopaedi plus its annual "Year in Review" and "Book of the Year" volumes, as well as Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, the Britannica Internet Guide and much more. A full-text encyclopaedia.

Database Evaluation Form : Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Catholic Encyclopedia

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Contains full and authoritative information on Catholic interests, action, and doctrine. Provide readers full and authoritative information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests, action and doctrine. What the Church teaches and has taught; what she has done and is still doing for the highest welfare of mankind; her methods, past and present; her struggles, her triumphs, and the achievements of her members, not only for her own immediate benefit, but for the broadening and deepening of all truescience, literature and art.

Open Access

HyperHistory Online

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HyperHistory is an expanding scientific project presenting 3,000 years of world history with an interactive combination of synchronoptic lifelines, timelines, and maps. HyperHistory is a companion to the World History Chart.

Open Access

InfoSci eBooks (IGI Global)

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Includes full-text books and proceedings on the following topics: IT management, end user computing, data mining, knowledge management, e-commerce, multimedia databases, telecommunications, and distance learning in the following areas: Business Management; Computer Science; Education Technologies; Electronic Commerce; Environmental IS; Healthcare Information Systems; Information Systems; Library Science; Multimedia Information Systems; Public Information Systems; Social Science and Technologies.

Staff & Students Only

Gale Virtual Reference Library

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Encyclopaedias and specialized reference resources in: Arts, Biography, History, Information and Publishing, Law, Literature, Medicine, Multicultural Studies, Nation and World, Religion, Science, Social Science

Staff & Students Only

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Latest updated: 23th July 2013

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