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Reframing basic education to deliver education for all: flexible provision and enabling frameworks
Posted on 29 July 2013 by Shahril Effendi Bin Ibrahim (Senior Librarian)
Authorship Details
Anne Gaskell
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Inclusion has traditionally been conceptualised as integrating children into the formal schooling system. Recent research conducted in South Asia, however, adds to evidence that the huge number of children out of school and the diversity of their needs can only be met by a diversity of provision, formal and non-formal; that because many state education systems cannot meet the demands in quantity and quality, governments must continue to reform, improve and expand the public system, but also consider reconceptualising their role away from being the exclusive provider and towards encouraging a more diversified and equitable educational system. This paper sets out six challenges for reaching marginalised children through such change, highlighting the political commitment needed to embed into national education policy framework a rights-based approach, with quality assurance and greater links between the formal and non-formal. It provides examples of non-formal providers, using open learning principles, which offer models of how a more flexible and equitable system could be delivered for marginalised children, with progression routes and accreditation equivalent to or the same as the formal system.(Abstract by author)
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Latest updated: 23th July 2013

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