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The Impact of MOOCs on Higher Education
Posted on 14 May 2013 by Shahril Effendi Bin Ibrahim (Senior Librarian)
Authorship Details
Dennis, Marguerite
Publication Details
Resource Type: 
Publication Date: 
Falls 2012
Publication Title: 
College and University
Issue or Number: 
Despite being in their infancy, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have the potential to become a global higher education game changer. Employers may come to recognize MOOCs as an alternative credential to the traditional three- or four-year degree. They may consider a certificate of completion from a world-class institution as a better indicator of the skills needed for success than a degree from a second- or third-tier college or university. Some international students may think it better to stay at home and take a MOOC than spend thousands of dollars to attend an international school. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is exploring the potential of offering MOOCs to low-income students. At present, one simply does not know where MOOCs can and will take higher education. In this article, the author discusses the impact of MOOCs on the following: (1) Accreditation agencies; (2) Book publishers; (3) Federal and state subsidies; (4) Rating agencies; (5) Advanced Placement exams; (6) Enrollment and retention managers; (7) Branch campuses; (8) Career counselors; (9) Chief financial officers; (10) Facilities managers; (11) IT managers; (12) Students; (13) Faculty; (14) Venture capitalists; and (15) For-profit schools. The author concludes that MOOCs will not replace colleges and universities. They will supplement--not replace--traditional higher education. They have the potential to solve some of the big problems facing higher education, to include unsustainable costs, unmanageable student debt, college participation rates, unchanged retention and graduation rates, and fierce competition from other countries. And for these reasons, online learning, hybrid learning, and MOOCs should be supported by the higher education community, by federal and state officials, and by accreditation agencies. (Abstract by author)
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