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Determinants of mobile learning acceptance: An empirical investigation in higher education
Posted on 23 March 2011 by Shahril Effendi Bin Ibrahim (Senior Librarian)
Authorship Details
Hassan Akour
Publication Details
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Scope and method of study. The purpose of this study was to investigate the determinants of mobile learning acceptance in higher education. Mobile learning is a rapidly growing method of learning that utilizes mobile devices to deliver content. Acceptance of mobile learning theory was derived from technology acceptance theories. The study developed a new model Mobile Learning Acceptance Model (MLAM) that extended the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The model explains the important factors that influence acceptance of mobile learning among university students. The population of the survey was limited to freshman students; this population was chosen because the literature indicated a presence of large technology literacy gap (techno-literacy gap) between universities and the new generation of students. Response rate was high at approximately 95%. The survey was administered to different freshman leadership classes as well as a freshman orientation camp. The survey instrument was developed based on the literature and past research. The constructs developed and investigated are: student readiness (self efficacy and commitment), ease of access (convenience), quality of service (content quality, reliability and response, personalization, and privacy and security), extrinsic influence (superior influence and peer influence), university commitment (university support), and the TAM constructs of usefulness, ease of use, attitude, and behavioral intention.

Findings and conclusions. The research study concluded that all hypothesized relations in the MLAM model were supported and influence student's acceptance of mobile learning indirectly through usefulness and ease of use. Ease of access was excluded for its mediation effects on ease of use. Quality of service influenced ease of use directly and usefulness indirectly. Usefulness was the stronger predictor of acceptance through its direct and indirect influence on behavioral intention to use (primary predictor of acceptance and use). Extrinsic influence and student readiness were found to be the most influential factors in the model. Tests conducted along the group levels revealed that prior experience has significant affect on acceptance of mobile learning by students. Students who used their device for learning in the past had stronger perceptions of usefulness of mobile learning additionally their behavioral intention to use was stronger. (Author's abstract)

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