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Learning with online and mobile technologies : a student survival guide
Posted on 18 April 2013 by Shahril Effendi Bin Ibrahim (Senior Librarian)
Authorship Details
MacDonald, Janet
Publication Details
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Publication Date: 
  • Book Review

    Technology has become a necessary and everyday part of studying. This book starts with effective practice in learning, and shows how technology can support that good practice. The authors show you the many ways in which online and mobile technologies can be used for study and give you guidance on how best to use them for learning in higher education, whether that is at college or university, or within your workplace. An effective learning strategy with technologies will help you develop independence and self direction, so that when faced with a bewildering choice of web-based resources you are confident about how much to read, and when to stop. You will also need self motivation if you are less dependent on class contact time to keep on top of study routines. As an effective lifelong learner you will learn not only the appropriate use of technologies, but also develop a self disciplined and critical approach to study. The approaches, skills and techniques discussed in this book will be of value to you not only in your formal course of study, but also in any other learning you might wish to undertake in future. In an increasingly competitive job market this will also be attractive to prospective employers. This wide-ranging survival guide combines advice on the theory of learning, with practical tips on using technology effectively to give you a smart approach to accessing, recording, sharing and revising information and knowledge. [Summary from Syndetic Solutions]

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