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The Impact of E-learning Implementation on the Management of Private Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia: A Case Study
Posted on 01 March 2011 by Shahril Effendi Bin Ibrahim (Senior Librarian)
Authorship Details
Ratna Malar Selvaratnam
Publication Details
Resource Type: 
Publication Date: 
Oct 2004

E-learning is a force to be reckoned with in education, where lifelong learning is taking on a significant presence now. As with all educational institutions, Private Higher Educational Institutions (PHEIs) too need to consider adapting and embracing e-learning with greater success and efficiency to compete in the marketplace. In investigating the extent of impact of e-learning on management structures of PHEIs in Malaysia, this research can potentially set the course for other institutions of higher learning in Malaysia to be able to successfully introduce and proceed with e-learning in their education agenda. For successful e-learning implementation, though, it is argued that the four factors which need to be addressed are Rosenberg's 4 Cs: the presence of an e-learning champion, the management of change (to include e-learning in the organisation), effective communication, and the organisation's culture, especially of learning. These affect the way e-learning is implemented. Furthermore, both e-learning and its arms of change have an influence on an institution of learning. The methodology used in this research is the case study, with a three-pronged data collection format. The questionnaire was chosen to track the trend of practice and awareness, the interview to get a greater depth of understanding on the issues, and finally, documents and records to illustrate the current state of e-learning and management culture within the organization. It was found from the results of this research that e-learning implementation requires a democratic, devolved approach to holistic change. Much of the strengths and weaknesses of PHEI management structures are brought out to the open with the adoption of c-learning. A flatter organizational structure would help cope with the demands of technological inclusion and national needs within the private education setting in Malaysia. However, it is emphasized here that e-learning implementation requires a management of the transition in PHEIs that may bring about the redefinition of the identity of the institution itself. (Authors' abstract)

Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Education at the University of Leicester, October 2004.
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