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Student Coaching For Retention In A Distance Learning Environment
Posted on 06 January 2012 by Shahril Effendi Bin Ibrahim (Senior Librarian)
Authorship Details
Tamar Benaya
Ela Zur
Publication Details
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Publication Title: 
AAOU Journal
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The Open University of Israel (OUI) is a higher education institution with an open
admission policy which is based solely on distance learning and self-study. The
teaching method practiced at the OUI is a combination of traditional and web-based
distance learning. One of the issues of great concern in all institutions and even to a
greater extent in open and distance learning institutions is student retention. In an
attempt to deal with this problem, the OUI decided to embark on a Retention Project
which aim is to help new students to overcome the hardships of the first course. The
new students were offered to be paired up with senior students who would
accompany and coach them throughout their first semesters. This paper describes
the Retention Project, and it presents results concerning the performance of the
coached students, their retention at the OUI and the means of communication used
by the coached students and their coaches in a distance learning environment. (Abstract by authors)

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