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Database Term : Open Access Resource

Directory of Open Access Journals

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Aims to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. The Directory aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use a quality control system to guarantee the content. In short a one stop shop for users to Open Access Journals.

Open Access

Digital South Asia Library

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Provides digital materials for reference and research on South Asia to scholars, public officials, business leaders, and other users. This project builds upon a two-year pilot project funded by the Association of Research Libraries' Global Resources Program with support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Participants in the Digital South Asia Library include leading U.S. universities, the Center for Research Libraries, the South Asia Microform Project, the Committee on South Asian Libraries and Documentation, the Association for Asian Studies, the Library of Congress, the Asia Society, the British Library, the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, MOZHI in India, the Sundarayya Vignana Kendram in India, Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya in Nepal, and other institutions in South Asia.

Open Access

Journal of e-Government

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The journal contributes to the development of both theory and practice in the field of e-Government. Provides perspectives on topics relevant to the field of e-Government and web-enabling technology in the public sector. Through its publication the journal aims to contribute to the development of both theory and practice.

Open Access

Bing Translator

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Microsoft's Bing Translator: Translates French, German, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish to English (and vice versa).

Open Access


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The EURASIA journal publishes original articles in the areas of mathematics education, science education, and technology education. The Journal strictly adheres to the universal principles of the peer review process. The aim is to advance the scholarship and the scientific knowledge base in these three areas.

Open Access

Information Systems Evaluation

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The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation is an online journal that aims to publish articles and papers that provide critical perspectives on topics relevant to Information Systems Evaluation, with an emphasis on the organisational and management implications. Through its publication the journal aims to contribute to the development of both theory and practice.

Open Access

Europa: Gateway to the European Union

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Current information on the member countries of the European Union, including statistical data, policies, news, official documents, legal texts, and other publications. The official website of the European Union. It is a good starting point if you are looking for information and services provided by the EU.

Open Access

Film Literature Index

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The Film Literature Index annually indexes 150 film and television periodicals from 30 countries cover-to-cover and 200 other periodicals selectively for articles on film and television. The periodicals range from the scholarly and critical to the popular. The Film Literature Index is known for its comprehensive indexing system that includes more than 2,000 subject headings for detailed analysis of articles and reviews.

Open Access

Foreign Relations of the United States

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The Foreign Relations of the United States series is the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions that have been declassified and edited for publication. The series is produced by the State Department's Office of the Historian and printed volumes are available from the Government Printing Office.

This digital facsimile of FRUS is a project of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries in collaboration with the University of Illinois at Chicago Libraries. An almost complete run from 1861-1960 with missing volumes being added as they can be acquired.

Open Access

Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Terms

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A structured vocabulary of geographic names, including vernacular and historical names, coordinates, and place types. Focuses on places important for the study of art and architecture.

Open Access

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Latest updated: 23th July 2013

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