Handbook of nursing diagnosis
Posted on 11 May 2012 by Faridah Jumaatud-din (Librarian)
Author(s): Lynda Juall Carpenito-Moyet
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 9780781777933
Authored by the foremost authority on NANDA diagnoses, this best-selling handbook is a quick reference to nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems. The book is organized for speedy reference and uses a two-part format: Nursing Diagnoses and Diagnostic Clusters with a collaborative focus. This edition has been revised to incorporate the 2009/2011 NANDA -approved nursing diagnoses.
Every NANDA diagnosis includes listings of associated Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC). Other features include Author's Notes sections and icons highlighting considerations for special populations. A laminated card groups common diagnoses by functional health patterns.
[Summary from Syndetic Solutions]