Library Operating Hours for Tuesday, 18 February 2025 : 8.00AM - 6.00PM
Frequently Asked Questions
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Accessing the Library portal/Databases (4)

Students and Staff are required to access Library Database Management System through myVLE. Please log into the myVLE and access the library portal from the myVLE Top Menu. (Digital Library link)

MyVLE MenubarMyVLE Menubar

If You are unable to view the popup menu as intended please refer to this FAQ: Help! I cannot access the Library from myVLE

Over the time you will encounter EZProxy Login Error or The Blue Screen. Image attached below:

EZproxy Blue Screen ErrorEZproxy Blue Screen Error

This caused by expired EZproxy Session and Cookie. Simply restart your Library Session by re-login into MyLMS and then the Digital Library.

Accessing databases should be freely available whether you are at home, the office or OUM campus. In accessing a subscribed databases, there will always be security involved to prevent hacking or misuse. To secure our own databases, there is a little change in the access link that you will notice on the Library portal.

For further details, you may contact En Benyamin Hanafiah(benyamin [at] oum [dot] edu [dot] my / 03-7801 1929).

Enable Cookies in Mozilla Firefox

  1. Click on Tools and select Options.
  2. Click on the Privacy tab.
  3. Under Cookies, ensure that Accept cookies from site is ticked.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Quit/exit Mozilla Firefox after you change settings and then re-start the application.

Enable Cookies in Internet Explorer

  1. Click on Tools and select Internet Options.
  2. Click on the Privacy tab.
  3. Either:
    • move the slider to Medium High, Medium,Low or Accept all cookies, or
    • click on the Advanced button, select Override automatic cookie handling, then select Always allow session cookies.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Quit/exit Internet Explorer after you change settings and then re-start the application.
Circulation (13)

Library patrons must come in person and present a valid Open University Malaysia Student Card or Staff Card to check out books. Any book may be recalled after 14 days, regardless of the loan period, if it is requested by an OUM student, staff or faculty member.

Overdue fines are charged for RM 0.50 per item per day. Patrons will be billed replacement costs, including a RM25.00 processing fee, for significantly overdue books.

Loan Facility is not extended to Tutors, SMEs and facilitators.

All members are eligible for book loans based on the table below:

Total Books Allowed
Loan Duration
Univeristy Management Group
5 Books
1 Month (30 Days)
5 Books
1 Month (30 Days)
Assistance Lecturers
5 Books
1 Month (30 Days)
University Executives
5 Books
1 Month (30 Days)
Administration Support Staff
5 Books
1 Month (30 Days)
Post-Graduate (Master, PhD)
5 Books
1 Month (30 Days)
Undergraduates (Degree, Diploma, Cert)
5 Books
1 Month (30 Days)

Overdue fines are charged for RM 0.50 per item per day. Patrons will be billed replacement costs, including a RM25.00 processing fee, for significantly overdue books.

Patron will have to resolve all pending payments before continuing to use the loan facilities.

The Library charges a replacement fee for lost or damage books according to the price and availability of the book. If the original price of the book is RM100, you are charged for RM200, inclusive of any processing cost incurred.

If you decide to replace the book and purchase it at a local bookstore, you are only to be charged the price of the book (RM100). However, you may be charged for a minimal processing fee (up to the Chief Librarian’s discretion).

Failure to comply to the rule will effect the release of your graduation certificate.

Please contact Rohana Hussin, Circulation Services (rohana [at] oum [dot] edu [dot] my or 603-7801 1925), if you have any questions about borrowing policies or procedures.

All OUM students are allowed to apply for external membership at any local academic libraries such as UPM, UKM, USM, etc. All application for external membership in any of these libraries are strictly under your own responsibilities. The TSDAS Digital Library and OUM will NOT be liable of any matter with regard to this.

Each library has its own library policy, procedures and different fee rates. Once you are a member, please respect and abide by their rules and regulation as they would respect ours.

External membership means you are allowed to used their library premises and collections ‘freely’. However, some libraries do charge for certain services/collection such as usage of their online databases or borrow books. You may have to get further details on these upon registering for membership at the respective libraries to avoid confusions.

Interlibrary Loan is a service through which library materials not owned by the TSDAS Digital Library may be requested and obtained from other libraries, for use by OUM students, faculty, and staff.

All currently affiliated Open University Malaysia students, faculty, and staff are eligible to use the service. Tutors and external members are not eligible to use interlibrary loan services at TSDAS Digital Library. They should contact the service at their home institution or at their local public library.

Turnaround time for books requested through ILL is typically 2-5 business days. Patrons are allowed to borrow up to 4 books for a period of 1 month.

Through ILL you may request materials not owned by TSDAS Digital Library. Missing materials (i.e. lost books) may also be requested through ILL.

  • Books - These can be borrowed, free of charge, in their original form.
  • Theses, reports, unpublished materials — Not borrowable.

You will be notified by e-mail/phone as soon as the material is received.

Recalls (or request) are a way for the library to ensure that all borrowers have equal access to its print resources. If a book you need is checked out, you may recall it from the current borrower , who will have 3 days to finish with it and return it. Conversely, if someone needs a book you have checked out, they may recall it from you, and you will receive a notice letting you know that you must return the book within 3 days.

  1. You can email to library [at] oum [dot] edu [dot] my or call at 03-7801 1925 or WhatsApp to 019-2600 146.
  2. Renewal can only done once and no patron has reserved the book.

Renewal can be made only ONCE for additional period allocated to borrower category. Renewal can be made 7 days before the due date. If the book is overdue, you need to return it at the Library. You are not allowed to renew if the book has been recalled by another user.

Remotes Leaners from outside Klang Valley can request printed books from Main Campus Library ONLY to be sent to their respective Learning Centres (LC). Please follow this request for printed books to be sent to your LC.

Click at the image followed by ‘original’ link for better & bigger image view.

1. From myVLE, click DIGITAL LIBRARY icon to access the Library portal. 

2. Click the “Search Library” button on the Library left side-bar. 

                                              Search Library

3. In the search form, there are tabs you may select to categorise your search process. To search for printed books, make sure tab named “FACETED SEARCH” is selected.

                      FACETED SEARCH  menu


4.  Key in your keyword(s) at SEARCH TERM at box. Then, choose PRINTED RESOURCES at Item Types. Next, click FIND button.


Insert Keyword(s) at SEARCH TERM and choose PRINTED RESOURCES at Item Types. Click FIND button.

5. List of related books/printed resources will appear. Click at particular title to select a book.


                         SEARCH result

6. Click at POST THIS BOOK TO MY LEARNING CENTRE (Malaysia only)’

7. Click the link : Post this book to my Learning Centre. The Library Backend System will take you to Intra-Library Loan Request Form page (see image below)

Request FormRequest Form

As explained in the image above. Patrons will have to

  1. Fill in all the required fields
  2. Leave your contact No
  3. Select your nearest Learning Centre.
  4. And click “Send Request” Button to submit your request.

Once the Form has been submitted, our Librarian will process your request and may contact you to complete the request.


Scan this QR-Code using your mobile device to view the video guide from Youtube.


Collection (1)

If you are interested in making a suggestion about books to buy for the Digital Library, talk to a librarian about books you would like to see in the collection. Or you may use our Book Suggestion Form. Books suggested would be:

  • Reviewed by the library staff subject area liaison and considered in relation to the current holdings (in print or electronic format)
  • Considered in relation to courses offered by the OUM
  • Submitted to the Chief Librarian and Dean of Faculty with a recommendation (or not) to purchase
  • Analyzed in terms of acquisition priorities and available funds
Finding Information (4)

The Library subscribes to a number of databases to help you with your research. They cover all subjects taught at the University. The databases provide full-text books, journal articles, theses, reports, newspapers. etc. Each database provide Help guides for better searching. These databases are accessible from anywhere at anytime. No extra username/password needed after you login from LMS.

There are several types of materials in the Library; printed, electronic and audio-video (cd-roms, kit, tapes).

To search for printed and audio-video materials, you need to use the OPAC. To learn how to use OPAC, click the Portal user Guide and go through content. Printed materials are only readable and usable offline. Which means, you need to come to the Library and use them. You may borrow the printed materials (books). Audio-video materials are only to be used in the Library.

To search for electronic materials, you may use the Library UniSearch Discovery Service. UniSearch blends library resources including Library Catalogue and Full Text Databases into a single database so your search is faster and better. Or you can use the Library Databases to search for books, journals, theses, reports, etc. You may access these databases through the Library portal from home or anywhere else, at anytime. You can also download, print or save the materials.

Use the Library catalogues. Check OPAC: the online catalogue, first. It is accessible from both on and off-campus, and contains all printed materials most material likely to be on student reading lists (if held by the Library).

A search in OPAC will tell you which materials are available in print or electronic format. It will also tells you where the book is located in the Library system, either in the Main Campus Library or at the Resource Centres in any of the Learning Centre. The system will also tells you the status of the book, whether it has been loaned out or still available in the Library.

If you need to find electronic books, then you can use our Online Databases. Go to the Library portal and click Online Databases under Search Library. Choose the right database for the subjects you are looking for. Click on the database name to know the subject coverage. Guides are made available for all databases.

Please refer to Portal User Guide for more information.

The Library Catalogue will tell you if the item has been borrowed or available. If it’s not on loan and not where it should be on the shelves, it might be on the trolleys (to be re-shelved) or being used by others in the Library. If you still can’t find it, ask at the Librarian on Duty at Information Desk for help.

Do remember to check the following in the OPAC :

  • the loan status (whether it says Available or Check-Out)
  • the location (books are not necessarily will be in all OUM resource centres)

Also, you need to check on what you type in the search box and how you type it. Errors in searching will display no records in the system (same goes with searching in the online databases).

General (5)

Operating Hours


Monday – Thursday                                     : 8:30 AM – 4.30 PM

Friday (1st & 3rd week of the month)            : Closed (Staff Work-From-Home)

Friday (2nd, 4th & 5th week of the month)    : 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Saturday & Sunday                                      : 9:00 AM – 2.00 PM


The Library will be closed during Public Holiday.

The Library will use to this operating hours unless mentioned otherwise by the Management.

(This operating hours is applicable to Library in Main Campus only)

The TSDAS Digital Library main contact lines are as follows:

Information Services: 603-7801 1925
InterLibrary Loan/Document Delivery Services: 603-7801 1925

Examination Papers: 603-7801 1925

Lending Services: 603-7801 1925

Fax: 603-2697-8851
E-mail: library [at] oum [dot] edu [dot] my

* Use the LC Director’s/Administrator’s line with regard to resource centres at the OUM Learning Centres.

The TSDAS Digital Library is located at Ground Floor, Block B, OUM Main Campus. The mailing address is:

Tan Sri Dr Abdullah Sanusi Digital Library
Open University Malaysia
Jalan Tun Ismail,
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Below is a map for directions to the OUM Main Campus via public transportation and car.

View Larger Map

If you’re an OUM student, please report any lost cards to the Learner Service Centre (LSC). LSC can be contacted at 1-300-887-300, or facsimile at 03-2697 8853. The service hour is from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm, Monday through Thursday, and 8.30 am to 5.15 pm on Friday.

The Digital Library does not have lost and found unit. However, when found, we will keep them in our office. If you left something library, please contact us at 603-2773-2135. If you left something in the resource centre, please contact the appropriate Administrator.

Library Facilities (5)

The TSDAS Digital Library at the OUM Main Campus has a cluster of about 30 PCs and students are welcome to use for searching OPAC, online databases and the Internet, using e-mail, word-processing, spreadsheets, etc. They are not bookable. If you need any assistance or help with finding information and using the Library’s online databases, you may ask the Library staff. You may also use your laptop and connect to the Internet through the WiFi connection available.

The Resource Centre at the LCs are also equipped with several PCs and Internet connection.

A printer/photocopying machine is available for paid printing/photocpying in the Library. The Library only offer black and white printing/photocopying at 10 sen per page. Please see the Librarian on duty if you need to print/photocopy.

In order to provide an environment conducive to using the Library, please conduct handphone conversations away from study, research, and service areas; and turn off ringers while in the Library.

Since all areas are close to each other, usage of handphones are only allowed OUTSIDE the Library.

No pay phone is available in the Library or on campus.

The library does not provide a fax machine for use by patrons.

Module Related Issues (1)

Every semester, all modules are edited and updated by the SME to keep the information abreast. Every semester also, the Library will receive these new modules for ’safekeeping’.  As a repository centre, the TSDAS Digital Library keeps all printed modules for archival purposes.  Students are allowed to use only the current semester’s modules but not the previous modules. Which means, if the current semester is September 2008, only modules published/produced in September 2008 are allowed to be referred by students.  This also means that previous modules in BM are no longer made available for reference.

Copyright© Library, OUM 2013, All Rights Reserved
Latest updated: 13th April 2014

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