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Reference and information services : an introduction
Posted on 24 February 2014 by Faridah Jumaatud-din (Librarian)

  • Author(s): Kay Ann Cassell, Uma Hiremath
    Publisher: Facet
    ISBN: 9781856048392

    This fully updated edition of the landmark textbook by Cassell and Hiremath is designed to complement every introductory library reference course and is the perfect text for students and librarians looking to expand their personal reference knowledge.
    Chapters on fundamental concepts, major reference sources and special topics in reference provide the basics you want with fresh insight you need on new issues in reference services and technology, including website development and maintenance, RSS feeds, social networking, and delivering reference services across multiple platforms. The companion website features new readings for each chapter and information about changes in reference tools described in these pages, as well as important new ones.
    As we enter a changing climate for all information services professionals, this book provides the tools you need to manage the ebb and flow of changing reference services in the 21st century. Guided by a national advisory board of educators and practitioners comprised of Marie L. Radford, Anita Ondrusek, Cheryl Knott Malone, and Stephanie Maata, this text expertly keeps up with new technologies and practices while still grounding you in the basics of reference work.

    rs comprised of Marie L. Radford, Anita Ondrusek, Cheryl Knott Malone, and Stephanie Maata, this text expertly keeps up with new technologies and practices while still grounding you in the basics of reference comprised of Marie L. Radford, Anita Ondrusek, Cheryl Knott Malone, and Stephanie Maata, this text expertly keeps up with new technologies and practices while still grounding you in the basics of reference comprised of Marie L. Radford, Anita Ondrusek, Cheryl Knott Malone, and Stephanie Maata, this text expertly keeps up with new technologies and practices while still grounding you in the basics of reference work. [Summary from Syndetic Solutions]

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