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Taxonomy Term : Distance Learning

Moments of Truth: Managing the face-to-face Encounter in Distance Learning

Authorship Details
Mary Cull
Robyn Walker
Publication Details
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Publication Title: 
Journal of Online, Flexible and Distance Learning
Distance Education Association of New Zealand (DEANZ)
Issue or Number: 

Managing distance learning shares many of the features of managing anything. Fundamentally the process involves planning, implementation and evaluation. Managing a service differs, however, from managing the manufacture of a good or product. When viewed in service management terms, distance education provision, as the following quotation suggests, involves managing 'unique characteristics'. (Introduction by authors)

ASEAN Journal of Open and Distance Learning (AJODL)

Authorship Details
Prof. Dr. Zoraini Wati Abas; Chief editor
Publication Details
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Publication Title: 
ASEAN Journal of Open and Distance Learning (AJODL)
Issue or Number: 

The ASEAN Journal of Open and Distance Learning is dedicated to the promotion of the practice of Open and Distance Learning particularly in the ASEAN region. The AJODL is dedicated to the sharing of knowledge, ideas and experience on all matters pertaining to Open and Distance Learning particularly, but not limited to, the ASEAN Region.

Pervasive, lifestyle-integrated mobile learning for distance learners: an analysis and unexpected results from a podcasting study

Authorship Details
Lee, Mark J. W
Chan, Anthony
Publication Details
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Publication Date: 
Nov 2007
Publication Title: 
Open Learning
Issue or Number: 

This article opens with a discussion of how and why mobile learning (m-learning) is purported to be the next step in the evolution of distance education, before looking at various perspectives on what m-learning constitutes. It critically examines the degree to which 'true' m-learning has been achieved, by offering pedagogical value beyond the mere use of mobile devices to deliver e-learning content. The authors argue that podcasting, in combination with a variety of portable MPEG Layer 3 (MP3)-capable devices that are increasingly ubiquitous, can be used to deliver a form of m-learning that offers a higher degree of lifestyle integration than many current 'state of the art' m-learning applications, despite not being as technically complex. They present an example of a study in which podcasting was used to deliver supplementary listening material to distance learners undertaking an information technology subject. An end-of-semester survey yielded extremely positive feedback about uptake levels and the perceived effectiveness of the podcasts in aiding the students' learning of the subject matter. However, it also produced interesting results on the ways the students made use of the podcasts, which deviated from the researchers' original intentions for 'anytime, anywhere, any device' learning. The results are discussed in the light of possible influencing factors, supported by follow-up interview data. The study may have broader implications for the still nascent field of m-learning. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Reflective learning and distance learning made to mix by design and by assessment

Authorship Details
Mary Thorpe
Publication Details
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Publication Title: 
Information Services & Use
Issue or Number: 

Reflective activities, in some cases quite extensive teaching material about reflection's role in adult learning, have been used within distance taught courses at the Open University UK for more than a decade [6]. Some of these courses have focused on professional development in adult learning and encouraged reflection within the frameworks created by theorists of adult learning [2]. Others have integrated reflective activities into courses in introductory maths and science courses, in order to foster greater awareness of how best to learn within these disciplines, and of their connection with the day to day world of the student [3]. This article reviews experience in three Open University courses, notably a recent course — T293 Communicating Technology — a second level 30 credit point course (equivalent to approximately 300 hours study) in the Undergraduate Programme of the Open University. All three courses include material about reflection and are designed to emphasise the process of the student's own learning. Reflective activities are linked with the assessment process and the importance of the role of tutors in feeding back and responding to the content of student reflections is emphasised. There are particular challenges to encouraging reflection for students studying at a distance, though T293 students are networked and also attend tutorials and a residential school. The invitation to reflect as a specific activity in study is something many students find difficult. How effectively do students engage in reflection when required to do so in these circumstances, and what response to their reflections do their tutors make? [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (OJDLA)

Authorship Details
Melanie Clay, Ed.-in-Chief
Donald Wagner, Exec. ed.
Publication Details
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Publication Date: 
University of West Georgia
The Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration is a peer-reviewed electronic journal offered free each quarter over the World Wide Web. The journal welcomes manuscripts based on original work of practitioners and researchers with specific focus or implications for the management of distance education programs.

International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning

Authorship Details
Donald G. Perrin, Exec. Ed.
Stephen Downes, Ed. at Large
Brent Muirhead, Sen. Ed.
Muhammad Betz, Ed.
Elizabeth Perrin, Ed.
Publication Details
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Publication Title: 
International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning
International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning
Publisher's Declaration Research and innovation in teaching and learning are prime topics for the Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning (ISSN 1550-6908). The Journal was initiated in January 2004 to facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers, innovators, designers, producers, practitioners, and administrators of education and training. The Journal is monthly, refereed, and global. Intellectual property rights are retained by the author(s) and a Creative Commons Copyright permits replication of articles and eBooks for educational use. Publication is managed by DonEl Learning Inc. supported by a host of volunteer editors, referees and production staff that cross national boundaries. IJITDL is committed to publish significant writings of high academic stature for worldwide distribution to stakeholders in distance learning and technology.

Distance Learning

Authorship Details
Information Age Publishing
Publication Details
Resource Type: 
Publication Date: 
Publication Title: 
Distance Learning
A qurterly published e-journal on Education, Teaching Methods And Curriculum, and Computer Assisted Instruction.

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