Library Operating Hours for Sunday, 23 February 2025 : 8.00AM - 5.00PM
Taxonomy Term : Library Facilities

Is there a fax machine I can use?

The library does not provide a fax machine for use by patrons.

Where can I find a pay phone in the library/campus?

No pay phone is available in the Library or on campus.

Where should I use my handphone in the library?

In order to provide an environment conducive to using the Library, please conduct handphone conversations away from study, research, and service areas; and turn off ringers while in the Library.

Since all areas are close to each other, usage of handphones are only allowed OUTSIDE the Library.

How do I print or make photocopy in the library?

A printer/photocopying machine is available for paid printing/photocpying in the Library. The Library only offer black and white printing/photocopying at 10 sen per page. Please see the Librarian on duty if you need to print/photocopy.

Are there computers I can use in the Library?

The TSDAS Digital Library at the OUM Main Campus has a cluster of about 30 PCs and students are welcome to use for searching OPAC, online databases and the Internet, using e-mail, word-processing, spreadsheets, etc. They are not bookable. If you need any assistance or help with finding information and using the Library’s online databases, you may ask the Library staff. You may also use your laptop and connect to the Internet through the WiFi connection available.

The Resource Centre at the LCs are also equipped with several PCs and Internet connection.

Copyright© Library, OUM 2013, All Rights Reserved
Latest updated: 23th July 2013

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