Library Operating Hours for Friday, 19 April 2024 : 8.00AM - 6.00PM


Last updated on 13 January 2016
  1. Burgstahler, S. (2012). Universal design: Process, principles, and applications. Retrieved from conventionfull.shtml

  2. Bridger, R. S.(2003). Introduction to ergonomics (2nd ed.). London, England: Taylor and Francis.

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  5. Helander, M. (2006). A guide to human factors and ergonomics (2nd ed.). London, England: Taylor & Francis.

  6. Karmegam, K., Sapuan, S. M., Ismail, M. Y., Ismail, N., Shamsul Bahri, M. T., Shuib, S., Hanapi, M. J.(2011). Anthropometric study among adults of different ethnicity in Malaysia. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 6(4), 777788.

  7. Kroemer, K. H. E., & Grandjean, E. (1997). Fitting the task to the human (5th ed.).London, England: Taylor & Francis.

  8. Occupational Hygiene Training Association. (2009). Ergonomics essentials. British Occupational Hygiene Society.

  9. Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, S. E.(2001). Psychology and work today: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology. New Jersey, NJ: Prentice Halls.

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